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Mujaja Tea

Mujaja Tea

Regular price 160 kr
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The stomach Ease blend that contains traditional African healing herbs known for their soothing and nourishing qualities. Herbs like Bidens Pilosa help with aiding digestion and soothing an upset stomach, thanks to their anti-microbial compounds.


Newttonia buchananii Carissa spinarum lodd Bidens pilosa Adenia cissampeloides Spathodea
Newttonia buchananii Carissa spinarum lodd Bidens Pilosa Adenia cissampeloides

Spathodea Campanulata

    Benefits: Traditionally used to cleanse the colon, relieve stomach upset, relieve gas pains, improve energy levels.

    How to prepare: Steep for 5-10 minutes in 90-100 degrees water OR boil content for 4 minutes.

    Can be taken 

    Iced Iced
    No Milk Don't add milk
    Hot Warm
    Sweet Sweetened
    Tea On its own


    Note: This product is not meant to diagnose or treat. For specific concerns seek help of a medical practitioner. 

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Sele Tea Rocks!

    I have been taking Sele tea together with black tea for a few days, and all the cramps and body aches and most of mood changes have disappeared this time! Thank you for improving the quality of women’s lives! And keep up the great work!

    Maria A

    Very good tea, help my stomach

    Mujaja te

    Köpte Mujaja te på grund av att jag ville prova om detta te även kunde hjälpa mina refluxer. Efter att druckit av detta te 4ggr, alltså 4 dagar kunde jag konstatera att det hjälpe mot mina besvär. Magen fungerar som en klocka.

    Truly calms the stomach

    I've long looked for a tea that is just as effective against a bloated hurting stomach as the tea my mother brought from Turkey many years ago, and now I've found one! It also taste nice, fresh and a little sweet. Doesn’t become overtly bitter even after steeping for longer than 5 minutes.

    Kerstin Björk

    Mujaja Tea

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